Travel: What We Packed for Key West

Palm Beach Lately What We Packed for Key West

We spent many summers in the Florida Keys as little girls and have lots of fun memories exploring the sea by boat and soaking up the sunshine. The Keys are an especially desirable vacation destination for Palm Beachers because it’s only a two-ish hour car ride from Palm Beach to Key Largo and just three more hours toContinue Reading

Categories: anthropologie | beach | fashion | pineapple | resort | style | summer | travel

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Home: Danielle's New Kitchen Awnings

Palm Beach Lately Pink and White Cabana Stripe Kitchen Awning

We recently moved our family into a new home, and our kitchen is without a doubt our favorite room in the new place! The two large windows make it bright and airy, the extra large island is perfect for cutting, preparing and serving food, and the white cabinets and countertops are a clean, blank canvas toContinue Reading

Categories: danielle | decor | home | style | summer

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Palm Beach Lately's Guide to Harbour Island Featured in Palm Beach Illustrated

Palm Beach Lately at The Dunmore, Harbour Island in J. Crew

The only way to know if a place lives up to the hype is to experience it firsthand, so we recently hopped over for 48 blissful hours. We packed our itinerary with a range of activities, from visits to local haunts to the very best in luxury relaxation. Come along as we share our guide toContinue Reading

Categories: fashion | Harbour Island | j.crew | palm beach illustrated | spring | style

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