Travel: Guide to Harbour Island

Travel: Guide to Harbour Island by Palm Beach Lately

We love the quaint, yet stylish island called Harbour Island in the Bahamas. The charming historical cottages, blush sand, turquoise waters, yummy restaurants, and cute shops all come together to create a very special island experience. We just got back from our second trip there and can’t wait to share a few of our favorite places toContinue Reading

Categories: fashion | guide | spring | style | summer | travel

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Fashion: J.McLaughlin Life

Fashion: J.McLaughlin Life with Palm Beach Lately

Ya’ll must know by now that we love J.McLaughlin! We recently scrolled back through our blog and realized it has been three and a half years since we did our first post with them. Looking at that first blog post and several more we have done together over the years <here, here and here to name aContinue Reading

Categories: fashion | J.McLaughlin | spring | style

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Fashion: Travel Totes

Fashion: Barrington Gifts with Palm Beach Lately

Our favorite bag of choice when we are traveling is definitely a tote. We are frequently in and out of our bags when we are at the airport or on road trips and are usually toting around extra goodies for the kids, so an open, oversized bag definitely works best for us! We were recently introducedContinue Reading

Categories: beach bag | fashion | style | travel

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