Our favorite bag of choice when we are traveling is definitely a tote. We are frequently in and out of our bags when we are at the airport or on road trips and are usually toting around extra goodies for the kids, so an open, oversized bag definitely works best for us! We were recently introducedContinue Reading
Travel: What We Packed For Sea Island
Last weekend, we packed our totes and pink trunk suitcases with warm clothes, loaded our four kids into “Winnie” <what we affectionately call our minivan> and headed north to the east coast of Georgia for a getaway in Sea Island! Beth has been to Sea Island a couple times and raved about it but this wasContinue Reading
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Fashion: Valentine's Dresses
Some people think Valentine’s Day is a cheesy holiday, but we never miss a chance to celebrate our loved ones in a special way. From co-hosting a Valentine’s playdate for our munchkins to getting dolled up for dates with our hubbies, this Hallmark holiday fills our hearts with love and joy year after year. AndContinue Reading