Fashion: Sail to Sable dresses now in the Pineapple Pad's Closet

Fashion: Sail to Sable at Palm Beach Lately's Pineapple Pad

When we were creating our new Pineapple Pad vacation rental, we knew we wanted it to blend our love for fashion, home and travel. We have been sharing our favorite finds on the blog for years, but it’s been so much fun to create an actual space where these three worlds come together. We recently sharedContinue Reading

Categories: fashion | home | Pineapple Pad | style | travel

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Home: Society Social's Holiday Spotlight Series

Fashion: Sail to Sable at Palm Beach Lately's Pineapple Pad

The holidays are in full swing down here in sunny South Florida, and we are loving it! Finishing our new Pineapple Pad vacation rental was definitely our biggest gift this year, and we are overjoyed to start welcoming guests to stay here. We recently stopped by our cute island bungalow to add a few specialContinue Reading

Categories: fashion | holiday | home | style | travel

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Fashion: The Skinny Dip Palm Beach

Fashion: The Skinny Dip Palm Beach with Palm Beach Lately

One of our favorite stores, The Skinny Dip, now has a brand new, beautiful store on the island! The week before Thanksgiving, we met with the sweet and stylish owners, Sara and Taylor, as they were setting up the store to get a sneak peek of some of their new clothes, handbags and jewelry. EverythingContinue Reading

Categories: fashion | style | travel | worth avenue