Beauty: We Heart These Starlets And Their Spring Hairstyles

Today we have our favorite spring hairstyles on some of the hottest young trendsetters for you! 1. Long Locks Jemima Kirke of Lena Dunham’s hit HBO show, Girls, is the reigning queen of mermaid hair.  Stock up on Argan Oil and Biotin, ladies, because this year length is coming back in a big way! 2. Fun TextureSienna MillerContinue Reading

Categories: beauty | hair | spring

Hayden Reis Pink And Orange Tote Giveaway: And The Winner Is...

Thanks to our readers for entering the Hayden Reis Pink and Orange Striped Tote Giveaway, valued at $170!  We are jealous happy to report that the random, very lucky gal taking home this bag IS… Comment #25, Elisabeth!  Is it just us, or does this giveaway leave you wanting this bag? Bad.  It is such aContinue Reading

Categories: alenetoo | beach | fashion | giveaway | shop | spring | style

Weekender: Shop Fashions From Asquared's Recent Trunk Shows

SPONSORED POST March has been a busy month at Asquared Boutique, who recently held two successful trunk shows featuring four incredible designers.  First was their fabulous trunk show with Rae Francis clothing of New York and KIPDXTR bracelets of Palm Beach on March 1st in the store. They had a fantastic response and a lot of fun with an array ofContinue Reading

Categories: asquared | clothing | events | fashion | sponsor | spring | style | trunk show | weekender