Living: Beth's NEAT Garage Makeover And GIVEAWAY!

Palm Beach Lately’s Beth Beattie recently decided her chaotic garage needed a total makeover. She didn’t have the time or patience to organize it herself, so she called upon a fantastic company we recently met and have been dying to try, NEAT Method! Beth, like most South Floridians, has been using her garage as extra storageContinue Reading

Categories: home | living | organized

Living: Keeping It Real With Kelly Killoren Bensimon

We recently had the pleasure of meeting Kelly Killoren Bensimon at her I Can Make You HOT! book signing event at Letarte in Palm Beach. She was incredibly gorgeous, gracious and a true beach lover with a laid back style and traces of sand on her toes. In between signing books on Worth Avenue, we chattedContinue Reading

Categories: beach | behind the scenes | book | career | living

Living: Sneak Peek Into The Palm Beach Lifestyle

Our friends and real estate experts Sabra Kirkpatrick and Jack Elkins with Fite Shavell & Associates recently filmed this bird’s-eye view of the Palm Beaches. We are drooling over the rare sneak peek into the luxurious beaches, boating, real estate, shopping, and everything else we love about this paradise we call home. To see some of the very bestContinue Reading

Categories: home | living | real estate