Holidays at Home: Pillows

Holidays at Home: Pillows with Palm Beach Lately

We have been getting our home ready for the holidays lately and started sharing our favorite pieces with you in a new series called “Holidays at Home.” Last week, we shared elegant lighting like chandeliers, pendants, sconces, table lamps, and floor lamps. This week, we rounded up our favorite classic beach-friendly pillows that are so beautiful! 1Continue Reading

Categories: fall | holiday | home | style | winter

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Holidays at Home: Lighting

Travel: Palm Beach Lately at Sea Island, GA

Today we are kicking off our new “Holidays at Home” series that is all about helping you get your home ready for the holidays. First up is lighting! We have rounded up some of our current favorite chandeliers, pendants, sconces, table lamps, and floor lamps that will help light up your home! We’d love toContinue Reading

Categories: holiday | home

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Travel: Sea Island, GA

Travel: Palm Beach Lately at Sea Island, GA

A couple years ago, we visited Sea Island, GA and created one of our favorite travel guides for you! We have been wanting to visit again, so on our way home from North Carolina we decided to stay a couple nights in Sea Island. Last time we stayed at The Cloister, but this time weContinue Reading

Categories: fall | fashion | home | Sea Island | style | travel

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