Video: How to Style a Console

Palm Beach Lately Family Room

  You may remember that we shared a few home features over the summer on the blog, like Beth’s Family Room, Danielle’s Kitchen Awnings and Beth’s 5 Coffee Table Essentials. One of our favorite home projects was working with the ladies from Luxe Report Designs to style the acrylic console in Beth’s family room. Since styling consoles can beContinue Reading

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Home: Decorating with Jay Strongwater

Home: Palm Beach Lately and Jay Strongwater

Lately Beth and I have been enjoying decorating our homes in our free time. We recently shared Beth’s daughter’s nursery and family room updates, as well as my new cabana stripe awnings in our kitchen. We are having a lot of fun creating a fresh take on traditional Palm Beach style, and one brand that perfectly compliments ourContinue Reading

Categories: home | Jay Strongwater | style | summer

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Home: Danielle's New Kitchen Awnings

Palm Beach Lately Pink and White Cabana Stripe Kitchen Awning

We recently moved our family into a new home, and our kitchen is without a doubt our favorite room in the new place! The two large windows make it bright and airy, the extra large island is perfect for cutting, preparing and serving food, and the white cabinets and countertops are a clean, blank canvas toContinue Reading

Categories: danielle | decor | home | style | summer

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