The Royal Poinciana Plaza

The Royal Poinciana Plaza with Palm Beach Lately

We have been going to The Royal Poinciana Plaza, now known as “The Royal,” long before it began its notable makeover back in 2016. But the talented team behind The Royal has brought so much new life, style and hospitality that we almost can’t remember what the old plaza was like! It has been such aContinue Reading

Categories: beach | clothing | cocktails | fashion | food | home | palm beach | restaurant | shop | The Royal

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Home: Beth's Favorite Blush Furniture Finds

Palm Beach Lately Blush Furniture Finds

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 We are always in search of blush furniture pieces and accessories for our home. Today we are sharing a few of our favorite new finds!    When Beth was designing her daughter’s nursery, the ladies from Luxe Report Designs had this glider reupholstered inContinue Reading

Categories: blush | home | living | nursery

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Sister Style: How to style a console two ways

Sister style: How to style a console two ways with Palm Beach Lately and Framebridge

Styling the consoles in our homes each season is now one of our favorite things to do. What used to be intimidating and sometimes frustrating has become a fun way for us to express ourselves in our homes! To take the guesswork out of it, Beth and I are sharing how we recently styled our consolesContinue Reading

Categories: Framebridge | frontgate | home | style | West Elm

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