Home: New Year Organizing

1. Kitchen towels /  2. Slap bracelets for wrapping paper storage / 3. Glass and bamboo food storage / 4. Sheet storage / 5. Bamboo storage for plastic bags / 6. Tiered spice organizer / 7. Drawer organizers / 8. Natural sponges / 9. Pantry bin with divider / 10. Knife set and block /Continue Reading

Categories: home | kitchen | organized

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Home: Spring Refresh

Home: Spring Refresh with Palm Beach Lately

  Spring is our favorite time to update our home decor. While the flowers are blooming and the weather is incredible, we find so much outdoor inspiration to bring inside. Today we rounded up these special finds that I (Danielle) recently purchased for our home. These pieces bring the outdoor elements inside in the mostContinue Reading

Categories: home | spring | style

Home: Big Girl Room

I can’t believe the time has already come to switch out the crib for a big girl bed. I had my eye on the Marion Cane Bed from Frontgate and felt it complemented the floral wallpaper and pink trim well in her room. The Marion Cane Bed is so beautifully made and I love the detail ofContinue Reading

Categories: home

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