2016 Holiday Gift Guide: Part 1


We know that shopping for the perfect holiday gifts can be both fun and stressful, especially as the holidays get closer and your to-do list gets longer. To help take the sweat out of the hunt, we have put together our 2016 Holiday Gift Guide full of Palm Beachy gifts that are sure to be big hits. Our signature PalmContinue Reading

Categories: anthropologie | cocktails | Gift Guide | holiday | j.crew | pineapple | shop | style

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Home: Porch Makeover with Frontgate and Grandin Road


One of the best things about living in Florida is that we have practically 365 days of summer. Aside from getting extra hot and humid in the peak of summer, it’s almost always a good idea to enjoy the outdoors on a daily basis. We especially love spending time in outdoor spaces that are extensions ofContinue Reading

Categories: cocktails | flamingo | food | home | makeover | style

NEW: Palm Beach Lately Products

Palm Beach Lately by Hayden Reis / Pineapple Cup / Flamingo Cup / Party Like a Pineapple Tank /  You’ve Been Flocked Cocktail Kit Photography: Shea Christine Photography

Categories: beach | cocktails | fashion | flamingo | palm beach | pineapple

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