Beth and Lawson’s Engagement ShootPhotography by South Moon Photography. It has been a little while since we have posted what’s going on behind the scenes lately, and we are so excited to share two very special moments in our lives with you. South Moon Photography recently took these amazing engagement shots of Beth and her fiancéContinue Reading
Hayden Reis Pink And Orange Tote Giveaway: And The Winner Is...
Thanks to our readers for entering the Hayden Reis Pink and Orange Striped Tote Giveaway, valued at $170! We are jealous happy to report that the random, very lucky gal taking home this bag IS… Comment #25, Elisabeth! Is it just us, or does this giveaway leave you wanting this bag? Bad. It is such aContinue Reading
Beauty: Get HOT with Kelly Killoren Bensimon at Letarte Palm Beach This Wednesday, March 27th From 1 To 4 PM!
Don’t miss Letarte Palm Beach’s upcoming shopping event and book signing this Wednesday, March 27th from 1 to 4 pm. Kelly Killoren Bensimon will be in the store to promote her new book, I Can Make You Hot: The Supermodel Diet. Kelly’s book is available online at, Barnes&Noble, Books*A*Million, Indie Bound, Powell’s Books and – but you canContinue Reading