Travel: Sistercation at The Breakers

Beth and I love, love, LOVE spending time at The Breakers in Palm Beach. We are very lucky to live so close to this world-class hotel and really do our best to soak it in whenever possible. As you can see from our recent sister vacation {aka “sistercation”}, the property is insanely gorgeous and the perfect combination ofContinue Reading

Categories: beach | guide | hotel | sistercation | summer | the breakers | travel

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Giveaway: What Are You Sipping This Summer?

We are giving away a free case of Inko’s Organic White Tea to one lucky winner! Inko’s Tea strives to be the best white tea with a Non-GMO, USDA organic recipe. It has less sugar than most healthy tea brands, only 50 calories in a 16 oz. bottle, and white tea is the least processed tea withContinue Reading

Categories: beach | beach bag | Events - Giveaways | fashion | style | summer | tea

Sistercation: Eau Palm Beach

Photography by: South Moon Photography Beth and I love to travel and one of our favorite kinds of trips that we take are “sistercations”. For these mini vacays, we pack light and head to an easy yet dreamy destination to unwind, refresh, pamper, eat, drink… and laugh a ton. Living in Florida, we are luckyContinue Reading

Categories: beach | cocktails | hotel | spa | style | summer