Help Lil Rapunzel's Collect Pajamas And Books For Kids In Need

Every child deserves a cozy night of sleep with sweet dreams, and we can all help make this happen! During the month of May, join Lil Rapunzel’s in their efforts to make bedtime more enjoyable for kids in need by donating new or gently used pajamas and books to The Foster and Adoptive Parent’s Association of Palm Beach County. Bring yourContinue Reading

Categories: baby | book | charity | clothing | rapunzel's closet

Living: Danielle's Nursery Design For Baby Number Two!

Art: 1. Moon Print 2. Star Print 3. Zebra Left Print 4. Zebra Right Print / 5. Rug / 6. Pendant Light  7. Rocker / 8. Pillow / 9. Gold Poof /  10. Crib / 11. Bumper/Bedding / 12. Changer / 13. Lamps For me, one of the most enjoyable ways to pass the pregnancy time is to daydream about the baby and create a nurseryContinue Reading

Categories: baby | danielle | home | living

Behind The Scenes: Beth's Engagement + Danielle's Baby Bump

Beth and Lawson’s Engagement ShootPhotography by South Moon Photography. It has been a little while since we have posted what’s going on behind the scenes lately, and we are so excited to share two very special moments in our lives with you. South Moon Photography recently took these amazing engagement shots of Beth and her fiancéContinue Reading

Categories: baby | beach | behind the scenes | beth | danielle | living | wedding