Beth's Holiday Home Tour


This year, we wanted to decorate for the holidays with blush, gold, white and black. We started with a flocked tree and metallic ornaments from Frontgate, assorted blush and gold gift wrap from Sugar Paper LA for Target and a blush record player to play Nat King Cole holiday tunes on repeat. We added ourContinue Reading

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Home: Deck the Palms | Outdoor Holiday Decor


It’s Thanksgiving Eve and we are very exited because both of our homes are officially ready for the holidays! We love this time of year so much but it always breezes by so fast, so this year we decided to get a jump start on decorating. Now we can enjoy the greenery and sparkles a little bit longer,Continue Reading

Categories: cocktails | fall | fashion | food | holiday | home | pineapple | shop | style

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Adorable Kids Interviewed for the Job of Santa for a Day

Santa’s shoes are undeniably tough to fill, however, there are some adorable kids that are up for the task! Lands’ End interviewed potential Santa candidates from Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Dane County and they shared just how they would approach the job of being Santa, should he be unable to fulfill his jolly dutiesContinue Reading

Categories: contest | holiday