Lands' End #DearMom Giveaways

Lands' End #DearMom Giveaway

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching on May 14th, and we are starting to think of new ways to treat our Mom, Grandma and Mother-in-Laws. One of our favorite companies, Lands’ End, always does a great job offering classic gifts and fantastic promotions to make Mom feel extra special! Come take a peek at three fun ways you can celebrate Mom thisContinue Reading

Categories: beach | giveaway | holiday

Blair Eadie's J.Crew Spring Style Challenge

Blair Eadie's J.Crew Style Challenge with Palm Beach Lately

We were pretty excited when Blair Eadie of Atlantic-Pacific recently reached out to us about sending us a pair of J.Crew spring tops to style! We instantly had a flashback to 2011 when fashion bloggers first began popping up in big cities like New York City, LA and San Francisco. Her distinct fashion blog wasContinue Reading

Categories: fashion | j.crew | spring

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Besties Who Brunch with LOFT

Palm Beach Lately Wearing LOFT on Worth Avenue

If you know Beth and I well,  you can back us up when we say that we spend a LOT of time together. We eat many meals together <it used to be just the two of us, but now we usually have our crew of kiddos, too!>, travel together, shop together, work together, and work outContinue Reading

Categories: fashion | Loft | palm beach | spring

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