Costa Palm Beach

Costa Palm Beach

We love gathering with family and friends over delicious meals, especially for celebrations and special occasions, as often as possible. When we aren’t hosting in our own homes, we enjoy visiting both staples and new spots in the area for family dinners, date nights and girls’ nights. Recently, we were looking for a great place to hostContinue Reading

Categories: Costa | palm beach | restaurant

Palm Beach Lately's Five Year Shellebration

Palm Beach Lately 5 Year Shellebration in Lilly Pulitzer

On the heels of our 5th blogging anniversary, we thought the best way to mark this milestone in the sand would be to throw a mini “Shellebration” at the beach complete with new Lilly Pulitzer frocks, shell cups and a bunch of colorful balloons! When we think back over the years, we are full of gratitude forContinue Reading

Categories: lilly pulitzer | summer

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#NationalSwimsuitDay with Lands' End

Palm Beach Lately Wearing Lands' End for #nationalswimsuitday

Living in South Florida means every day feels like summer <lucky us!>, but we still get excited for the “true” summer season and love that Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial kick-off to summer! Sandy vacations, seaside adventures, salty hair and slower days are here, and that means it’s also time to stock-up on new swimsuits!Continue Reading

Categories: Lands" End | swimsuit

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