Style: 5 fall favorites with Palm Beach Lately

We are having so much fun getting into the fall spirit lately! While we definitely don’t have a true “fall” down here in Florida, we don’t let it hold us back from finding creative ways to celebrate the season. October is our favorite time to start updating our closets and homes with fall-friendly finds, and todayContinue Reading

Categories: decor | fall | fashion | home | style

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Video: How to Style a Console

Palm Beach Lately Family Room

  You may remember that we shared a few home features over the summer on the blog, like Beth’s Family Room, Danielle’s Kitchen Awnings and Beth’s 5 Coffee Table Essentials. One of our favorite home projects was working with the ladies from Luxe Report Designs to style the acrylic console in Beth’s family room. Since styling consoles can beContinue Reading

Categories: home

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Hurricane Irma Relief Efforts

Florida needs our help after Hurricane Irma and we have rounded up a few ways you can help right away. Please see below for the following ways you can help! Avid Gear Warehouse – Today until 4 p.m.  Drop off any canned goods, dry goods, bottled water, toiletries and supplies to the Avid Gear Warehouse:Continue Reading

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